

Word of the Day


Clever Clue of the Month

The Cruciverbalist


Daily Email

Our hope is that you'll find this site to be the most useful word-of-the-day site on the internet. Here's what others are saying:

Visit At this site, you’ll be introduced to short, often unusual English words that puzzle constructors love. ~

...brush up on your crosswordese—words that appear frequently in crosswords but almost never in conversation... Perhaps predictably, there’s also a whole website devoted to crosswordese, with a new word featured every day and an extensive archive. ~ A. A. Newton,

To do well solving crosswords, you absolutely need to keep a running mental list of “crosswordese”. ~ Marc Romano, Crossword: One Man's Journey into America's Crossword Obsession

Hey Grant, I have another clever crossword clue for you from” ~ A Way With Words

The Word of the Day is the place you'll want to visit every day. Some days you'll discover words that show up often in crossword puzzles - perhaps once or twice a month. Other days you'll find words that show up only once or twice a year. Generally, you'll run into easier clues early in the week and harder clues toward the end of the week.


It may be my biased opinion, but this just might be the most useful word-of-the-day site on the Internet since, as a crossword solver, these are words you will use – often within days after reading about them. If you'd like to receive the word-of-the-day in your email box every day, just send me a note.


Visit the Clever Clue of the Month page to see what your peers consider to be the most interesting/humorous clue for a particular month. If you come across an especially good clue, please let me know about it – I may add it to my monthly list of nominees.


The Cruciverbalist According to, a cruciverbalist is a constructor of crosswords or an enthusiast of crosswords. This is where I report on the world of cruciverbalism and/or anything else I feel like writing about on a particular day. Also, this is where I list the nominations for the Clever Clue of the Month at the end of every month.


'Just looking for a good crossword puzzle? With the help of some of the visitors to this site my Links page has grown into one of the best lists of quality free crosswords you'll find anywhere. Also included on this page are other great links both puzzle-related and non puzzle-related.


Looking for a specific word? Check out the archives with over 650 words.

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