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Word of the Day – Monday, September 5th



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ILO (International Labour Organization)

An agency of the UN that deals with labor issues

Common clues: Worldwide workers' grp.; U.N. working-conditions agency; Nobel-winning UN agency, 1969; UN agency established in 1919; UN agcy

Crossword puzzle frequency: 2 times a year

Frequency in English language: 36996 / 86800

News: The Word on Women – Boundless Implications for ILO's Recent Recognition of Domestic Work

Video: Child Labour

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with labour issues. Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. Founded in 1919, it was formed through the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles, and was initially an agency of the League of Nations. It became a member of the UN system after the demise of the League and the formation of the UN at the end of World War II. Its Constitution, as amended to date, includes the Declaration of Philadelphia (1944) on the aims and purposes of the Organization. Its secretariat is known as the International Labour Office and its current Director-General is Juan Somavia (since 1999).

As stated by its Director-General, "the primary goal of the ILO today is to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity." In working towards this goal, the organization seeks to promote employment creation, strengthen fundamental principles and rights at work - workers' rights, improve social protection, and promote social dialogue as well as provide relevant information, training and technical assistance. At present, the ILO's work is organized into four thematic groupings or sectors: (1) Standards and fundamental principles and rights at work; (2) Employment; (3) Social Protection; and (4) Social Dialogue.

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