
Word of the Day – Tuesday, August 9th



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CREE (kree)

A Native American people of Canada
Common clues:
Manitoba Indian; Canadian tribe; Saskatchewan native; Algonquian speaker; Chief Big Bear, for one; First Nations tribe; Indian
Crossword puzzle frequency: 4 times a year
Frequency in English language: 61005 / 86800
Cree Indians of the Moose Drainage Basin

Only when the last tree has died

and the last river been poisoned

and the last fish been caught

will we realise we cannot eat money

Cree Proverb

The Cree are an indigenous people of North America whose people range from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean in both Canada and the United States. They now constitute the largest group of First Nations people in Canada, and are referred to as Native Americans in the United States. The Cree language is an Algonquian language, and was once the most widely spoken in northern North America. Currently, however, not all Crees are fluent in it, and English or French are more commonly used.

Cree camp on the prarie south of Vermilion, Alberta, September 1871

Skilled buffalo hunters and horsemen, the Cree were allied to the Assiniboine of the Sioux before encountering English and French settlers in the sixteenth century.

Presently the remaining Cree in the United States live on the Rocky Boy Reservation, which is shared with the Chippewa.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Cree".